OCL Constraints

These constraints (from OCL1 to OCL5) mainly impose interconnections among (OCL1 and OCL2) senders/receivers in SqD and objects modelled by SMD, (OCL3 and OCL4) incoming/outgoing messages in SqD with events/actions in SMD, and (OCL5) incoming messages in SqD with methods in objects modelled by SMD.

(OCL1-2) Each sender of a message in an interaction of a SqD must be an object modelled by a SMD. The same constraint is defined for a receiver, changing sender by receiver.

context: Interaction
inv: self.message.sender.base.behavior -> notEmpty ()

(OCL3) Incoming messages to an object within a SqD are events in a SMD.

context: Message
inv: self.receiver.base.behavior.region.transition.trigger-> exists(e|

(OCL4) Outgoing messages of an object within a SqD are actions in a SMD.

context: Message
inv: self.sender.base.behavior.region.transition.effect-> exists(e| )

(OCL5) Incoming messages of an object (receiver) within SqD must be object’s methods.

context: Message
inv: let rec:ClassifiedRole = self.receiver in
          let ops:Operation = rec.base.ownedOperation in
          ops -> exists(oper| =